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Energy Harvesting : Everything you need to know

Writer's picture: Shaman DestanyRaven WayShowerShaman DestanyRaven WayShower

Updated: Oct 9, 2024

Awhile back I was asked a specific question on a YouTube community post about negative entities . It was an invitation to talk about “energy harvesting” and as a human design Projector I was inspired and READY!

(See image ⬇️ )

At the time there was a lot going on professionally with clients and in the collective consciousness , pertaining to this particular topic so I chose to wait until the “dust” settled down enough to discuss it.

Since this specific topic has so many layers to peel (from my perspective) I’m going to breakdown each type of energy harvesting method that I commonly see as a shamanic practitioner and as an awakened SOUL on Earth . I’m also going to retrieve information from my Monad (D7-9) Oversoul in regards to different time periods that these methods have been used on a group or the collective human consciousness.

Ultimately this is my personal process and perspectives based on my own life cycles,experiences and RESEARCH (very important) that has allowed me to have these points of view . PLEASE only take into consideration what will serve you and you can choose to research what you don’t resonate with or simply leave it all together.


In many cases no matter what spiritual practice you adapt to,the conversation of energy will make its way into your awareness in one way or another. As spiritual beings known to be “souls” we innately and inherently KNOW that we are made up of energy. Through the Guardians teachings of Keylontic Scientific Morphogenetic studies (shared by “Speaker/Teacher” Ashayana Deane) our souls (and at large the universes) are made up of PRIMAL substances (energy waves) that form through the dimensional time space realities as Partiki which is the Omni-polar points of FIXED energy ( containing all potential energy sources in polarization and none) . Particum which is Base Magnetic Vibration (Particle Universe) ,and Partika which is Base Electric Oscillation (Anti-Particle Parallel Universe) .

There is also in exists ,what is known as “The Phantom Matrix” Anomaly which is a Black Hole Sub-Time Distortion Cycled Universe (this information will be of importance as I continue to explain the “reasoning” and driving force for the harvesting of energy) where most malevolent beings and forces currently exist.

Here is a diagram created by Christos Avatar’s Thayvian who took from the original creator sketch by Ashayana Deane.

I will also list her work because I feel it’s important for us to sight our sources of information. If you’ve taken my Ascension Protocol Mentorship you should already have this information. If you’re interested in learning more come JOIN ME this November 2024! (⬆️Click the blue highlighted link to read more)


More on ENERGY

The Buddhist call this energy Qi or chi in further eastern philosophy it’s also called Prana or Life (giving) Forces. When harnessing (anchoring) this energy it is called Reiki (pronounced “likey” in Japanese ). I will elaborate more on this later in this article.

As you can gather from the above information and diagrams ENERGY is not only a “hot commodity” in the universe. It is the ESSENCE of existence itself and without it NO-thing truly matters (get it 😉).

Now I’m sure you’re wondering what all of this has to do with energy harvesting and the answer is simple. It has EVERYTHING to do with it and it’s the most sought after thing in existence no matter malevolent or (and yes even) benevolent.

While our souls exist in this lower temporal space of the 3D , we can only grasp a tiny fraction of what being an energy of source is like much less worth ,and even capable of. At this BASE density of the first three dimensions we rely heavily on what our five lower senses can afford us. Just for a moment take into consideration what this energy source means to beings that have a greater sense and ability than us. Or at a greater level,can do with this energy.

Now also consider that if this energy was failing and fading, what these beings would do to retain it. Especially when their own abilities to produce it or connect to this original SOURCE was severed by their own negligence. All rational thinking would disappear and there would be an instant re-action to survival mode. While many humans would have a level of cognitive awareness to also think of others , you must innerstand that there is no sense of compassion left in many of these beings that haven’t lived in a body in billions of Earth years. They view themselves as superior higher energy and therefore have a “right” to do whatever they want . Unfortunately there are Cosmic/Universal laws that we can’t yet comprehend or innerstand that they can bend and even break to make this possible.

This is in no way justifying the unspeakable behavior of their harvesting of entire planets and star systems , simply to exist. My objective is to share with you the facts as I have innerstood them , so that you can see the magnitude they have been operating on and to my innerstanding their “why”.

Once again I’m sure that even reading this sounds like I’ve read one too many Tolkien novels. I can assure you while I love a great book that allows me to expand my imaginations, in my opinion many of our fictional writers were tapping into the Akashic records to formulate their stories. As someone that has spent decades doing Soul Retrieval on myself and others, I can say without a doubt “real life is stranger than fiction “.

Energy harnessing:

In esoteric and occult practice energy harvesting is a process that allows the adept or sorcerer/sorceress to capture and ultimately drain the energy from an environment (land), object or person and consume it to produce usable electromagnetic energy for themselves.

I want I be VERY clear that this method can be used in both malevolent and benevolent ways.

For example, when we pick fruits or vegetables to consume it we call it “harvesting”. You may argue that there’s a difference between that and what these higher level conscious beings are doing, but from the perspective of the plants and animal kingdom it’s not. Again this is NOT to justify what has been done to us for millennia, I am just pointing out ALL aspects of this process.

This is why for generations our ancestors held sacred ceremonies when “farming” and even replanting for future harvest. They innerstood the importance of bringing balanced energy (partiki 😉) into every day life as a means of unity as well as survival. These days we go to the grocery stores or even the farmers markets and bring our food home without a second thought as to the energy exchange that comes with the harvest.

Some of you may be rolling your eyes and thinking that I’m “old school“ or dare I say “superstitious” in my thinking. However, since I began my journey of reconnecting with spirit 30 years ago, I’ve tried my best to be intentional with everything I do. One of my daily rituals (that I also inspire in my children , family, friends and even mentee/apprentice) is to give thanks to my food,drink and even the ground I walk on. I don’t care if I’m in a crowded restaurant (looking like the weirdo with her hands over her food 🙃), or if I’m alone preparing a meal for myself, I give thanks . I even do this with my fur “babies” food, it’s also one of the reasons I feed them fresh food. The “giving thanks” is not some worship prayer to an invisible sky God that will punish me if I’m not subservient. It is simply a way to acknowledge the existence of the energy that is being harvested for me to consume and live.

There are many people who choose veganism or become vegetarian because they feel guilt over eating animals. Yet they disregard the life force energy that exists in the plants, fruits, and even nuts. Some will argue that the meat is simply not safe to eat because of the way the animals are being slaughtered and that very well may be true to a certain extent.

However ,if you take into consideration that by simply putting your hands over ANYTHING you consume and “giving thanks” can instantly SHIFT the vibration ,you will see how much better your body re-acts to this action. As apposed to you just shoving the food down without a care. This small technique will also help to awaken the chakras in the palms that everyone has, or did you think the chakras only go down the center vertical column of your body.

Yes, this has a lot to do with the harvesting of energy in the sense that what we don’t want done to us we need to FIRST stop doing. It’s also why through Universal Law many of these things are done to us without too much intervention from the beings that are “benevolent neutral “. Which means they are powerful forces that can be of assistance when we have become more consciously aware of our actions and re-actions. It may sound unfair but that’s the way it’s designed or we would continue to repeat chaotic cycles and loops. This is why SHADOW WORK is so important to the healing and ascension process.


Will this stop these beings from being able to do it to us? From my perspective and experience…Absolutely!

And I’ll tell you why….

As you begin to practice more mindfulness as to what and how you consume energy , you will also have a level of awareness when something is pulling energy from you.

Collective Energy Harvesting:

This brings me to the most important and convoluted aspect of energy harvesting and that is group (collective) harvesting.

Throughout history there has been recorded evidence of energy harvesting. Whether it be the ancient pharaohs burial rituals that consisted of live human sacrifices being performed to ensure their “entry” to the afterlife. To emperors like Genghis Khan ensuring he would gain his full “gifts” (power) of the “Gods” he worshipped by slaughtering entire villages. Nowadays there are far less “in your face” tactics used to harvest the energies of the souls on Earth today.

Simply going to a festival, carnival, concert, conference or even watching an award show, rally, or anything televised can be used to harvest your energies. Again while this may sound superstitious or at the very least paranoid , I would encourage you to do some research as to what happens to people at these events . Even after watching a “program” where you instantly feel sleepy or drained. There is also NO exception from “spiritual” events as these can be a “hot bed” for malevolent entities to find people seeking healing (which means they have “torn” auric fields) and are more susceptible to being drained.

Just look at the recent Travis Scott concert in Milan with 85,000 people and many reporting a loss of memory, fainting and an earthquake that “came out of nowhere”. The image above is NOT burry, that’s the amount of people that were packed in like sardines. Not because they didn’t want to spend money on seats, simply because everyone so close together like that could be easier to drain.

His specific concerts are no stranger to energy harvesting as his last one was highly covered by multiple media outlets because it led to multiple deaths and injuries. People had even reported seeing dark figures in the ceiling of the concert . With a very morbid feeling while walking through the entrance that was shaped like his head ,and an open mouth as if to imply he’s eating each soul that enters.

Again to some this may seem like superstition or paranoia, however it’s 2024 and we can just google dark occult rituals that have been practiced in Hollywood for centuries to see the writing on the walls.


One of the reasons it took me some time to write this article is that the information I share is sensitive and it can either put you in complete fear and isolation .Or it can just be a lot to process with millions of past events running through your mind trying to account for how much of your energy has been harvested.


Remember that YOU are the creators of your reality and learning (or as I like to think ,remembering) this information can EMPOWER you as you move forward. By making more mindful decisions of where you go, and what you CHOOSE by your own free will to feed your energy to, you will KNOW your self and all the power you hold. As ultimately that’s what you’re doing ANYTIME you do any of the things I mentioned above.


Now let’s move forward with our conversation about the harvesting of energy and what this has to do with the higher dimensional beings I mentioned earlier.

Most of the so called “dark forces” or “elites” on this planet are merely puppets for the “Gods”(entities) they serve. This doesn’t excuse the many cruel and unspeakable acts of savagery that have been done. It will however give you a glimpse into what some people will do for what we consider to be power. When at the foundation of the matter it is energy that EVERYONE is both harvesting and harnessing.

And before you think that these people haven’t worship anything in the realms of Gods for eons. Remember that these dynasties now turned governments NEVER died out , they simply chose new names and strategically positioned themselves out of sight, out of mind.

Dark Workers/ Practitioners

In the world of energy practitioners there are “ dark workers” or “Antichrist workers” who basically work with reverse engineering spells to siphon or steal the magical energies, life force, or powers of a person or entity. This can be done by Psychic vampirism which involves the practitioner using psychic or energetic means to drain or feed off the soul energy and life force of an individual . The way you can tell this has been done to you is after your so called “healing” you feel brain fog, drained, or worse than you did when you started. If you have psychic abilities/powers they can be diminished or disappear all together.

It’s why I ALWAYS do and recommend doing a shielding technique BEFORE going for Reiki healing or ANY form of healing . Often times practitioners themselves can be drained of their energies if they don’t properly shield themselves before healing others. This happens because of whatever attachment the client has to them. So many people do spiritual work yet have very little education on what they are doing and just believe calling in “angels” will protect them. As someone who has worked with Angelic energy for well over three decades I have ALWAYS been guided by my team to shield no matter if they are supporting or not.

Even surgery is unfortunately another common form of energy harvesting. The procedures are often invasive and more harmful to the body than beneficial . Which is why so many people die of “accidental death” in them more than anywhere else. When I spent three weeks in the hospital with my daughter after her accident, it was very common to witness dark shadows lurking at night even in a well lit waiting room. We also had terrible sleep paralysis and experienced little grey men walking out of the room facing us very last at night. Now I’m sure you’ll say she was medicated and I was sleep deprived. Maybe…but most likely not.

Cures or hexes are also a common way to harvest energy as dark practitioners may be sought out by negative people to cast spells or curses that disrupt auric (energy)field of someone. Apart of the deal is that a portion of energy is also siphoned off to offer to the God or Demon (extra-dimension beings) that the dark practitioner is a servant to.


Fanatics , obsession and hatred -Energy harvesting

Energy harvesting can also result in people defending those that are actually draining their energy ,as it can be slowly done so the souls experience euphoria before completely being drained. This makes “fans” feel protective of their harvesters in the same way an abused person who is in denial will make excuses for the abuse (or lie to themselves) that is being done. Many celebrities accumulate “stalkers” because the harvesting can act as an hillucigenic weapon attacking the brain. I read an article a long time ago that scientists have already proven that there’s a toxic and unnatural chemical that the body produces when someone is obsessed to the degree some stalkers are. This is what is known as adrenachrome which is a satanic delicacy of sorts.

There are plenty of people that are also being harvested by celebrities , athletes and even New Age “influencers” to be energetically harvested and ultimately drained. We see this in people like Oprah Winfrey , Bill Clinton, Coby Bryant, Michael Douglas, Shia LaBeouf  and many other celebrities who have been known to sexually and physically assault people yet still have devoted supporters.

Whistleblowers in the music industry have come forward to share that satanic rituals are performed over the music after it’s mastered in the studio with the intention of draining, stealing, or gaining unauthorized access to people’s auric fields when they listen to it.

Religious settings are the MOST frequent places that energy harvesting takes place. It’s also where the most possessions and negative walk-ins happen. This is because most religions are being overseen by malevolent fallen angels and other negative groups since  Egyptian times. While they will tell you that witchcraft and dark magic is not permitted as a formerly raised religious person, I’ve never seen more occultism and dark rituals performed than in the churches,temples, mosques and other so called places of worship. Down to the very “god” they claim to be worshipping, that has strict rules about how they should dress, what they should eat and who is clean, without sin ,or even worthy to worship. I’ve seen whole congregations faint and sheets laid over them because a “holy spirit” coming into their body. With the person having full or partial memory loss , with some finding out that the priest, pastor, deacon or whoever is doing disgusting predatory behavior or worse things to them. There’s been so many reports of sexual abuse and assault in religious communities that if you hide the names of these organizations and just read the records you would assume it was a cult or prison. And all in the name of pleasing and honoring an invisible God who forgives only those that believe in him.

If you’ve ever seen the movie “Jupiter Ascending “ it is a PERFECT example of the “harvesting” that happens not only on this planet but in the universes. Just REMEMBER that it is a movie so try to differentiate between the theatrical scenes and ,when you are being given insights into the true nature of specific realities.

 I could write a book about the many other ways this is being done , so I’ll stop here.

 I encourage you to do your own research if you feel called to go down this rabbit hole deeper . Just make sure you end up back on the ascension path once you’re done.


Harnessing Energy:

Ultimately the main objective I have in sharing this information with you is so that you can CHOOSE which ways you perceive the world of energy.

In early Eastern culture (Asian, Africa, India),old world European culture (Scotland, Ireland) and further North (Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark etc) most people were taught to work with the subtle realms. These ancestors knew the value of utilizing these nonphysical energies to clear the land , preserve their own bodies and heal those who weren’t awakened to these natural abilities. Over time through the Christian “crusade” period these practices have been labeled as witchcraft and dark magic. And while some of these techniques and rituals have gone in the direction of more harvesting than harnessing, through our more modern perspectives and a willingness to go beyond the religious dogma and programming we are seeing a return to these ancient ways.

I often tell people about reading these religious books with a wider lens to find the presence of not only Reiki healing but also cell regeneration. Why else were those in biblical times able to live so long without modern medicine or the use of the leading edge technology that we have today. While some would say that Pharaohs and Kings  died young during these times, we can also account for those who lived hundreds of years. This was due to the spiritual practices that taught our predecessors to tap into the energy source and anchor that light through their bodies. In the book Anna the Grandmother of Jesus, there is full details how the Essenes learned for generations the art of preserving the body through a combination of Ayurveda,and esoteric knowledge. Anna herself was recorded as being an “immortal” that lived for over 600 years after her walk-in experience at 16 years old. There’s heavy evidence to prove that this was one of the main reasons the library of Alexandria was destroyed and the remaining books taken to what is now known as the Vatican.


Reiki Atonements (attunements) and the Quantum Mechanics of Energy Healing

Many people believe that Sensei (master) Usui created Reiki, but that is a watered down and colonized Western version of the story. The truth is Sensei Usui visited the monks who lived below a mountain in Fukushima, Japan that to this day is a popular location for UFO sightings. Usui speaks to his early students about being on the mountain and being visited by what he called “ancestors” who unblocked his chakras( aka his strands). He then later went back to the monks to learn how to use this Qi (energy) that was later named originally “Shin Shin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho” translated as the “Usui Healing Method for improving Body, Mind and Heart”. This doesn’t mean he invented Reiki since this practice was done in many indigenous, aboriginal and Zulu cultures for centuries prior to his sharing with the West. It’s also something that MANY Asian cultures were doing before he started to develop the practice. In Qi philosophy the idea of "negative qi", can cause negative emotions to surface such as fear, anger or anxiety. This is why so many in the Asian community practice feng shui to deflect the negative Qi.

This is why it’s so very important that we ALL learn/remember how to work with energy. There’s no secret that I believe EVERYONE should know how to shield their auric fields and know how to direct energy in and out of the body.

So many so called “light workers” have no idea how to work with basic energy techniques, yet insist they are GridWorkers and Earth Guardians. This isn’t about some members only club of “chosen” , that can barely discern who is operating in fear , spiritual narcissism or “faking it to make it” social media famous.

It’s about realizing who we are as DIVINE souls and what can be accomplished if we FOCUS on our own individual awakening. It’s also important to MINDFULLY choose wisely where you put your physical, emotional and mental attention.



LIVE  from your HEART center , and ALWAYS listen to the VOICE of your HIGHEST benevolent LIGHT!

Sending you Love, from the heart of the Mother 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟!

In Munay,

Krystos Shaman AuroRa DestanyRaven

Please feel free to COMMENT on this blog !

I encourage you to take advantage of my BOOKINGS for assistance in any shamanic healing session or any of my other services I offer BEFORE my last day of these services on SEPTEMBER 20, 2024.

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1 Comment

Sep 05, 2024

Thank you so much for this article, it was an incredible read… I’m definitely gonna come back & read through it a few times.

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