I want to start off by saying that , I’m sharing my experiences not to proclaim myself as some “Guardian prophet” or “exalted chosen” being, but to offer insight into how NDEs (Near-Death Experiences) are often recalibration points in planetary mission work and spiritual development. In the Guardian perspective, multiple NDEs are rarely accidental. They often involve Oversoul adjustments, mission timeline recalibrations, and plasma body integrations, especially for those connected to planetary ascension work. Each of my four NDEs activated a specific shift in my soul contract, DNA template, and spiritual mission, whether I was consciously aware of it at the time or not.
My First NDE (Age 4) – Oversoul Retrieval & Soul Template Realignment

I was born in Maypen, Clarendon, Jamaica, West Indies, and spent my early childhood in the countryside with my family. I was always a curious child, and one day, that curiosity led me to drink bleach. No one in my family ever talked about it, and I didn’t remember it happening until I retrieved the memory during an MDMA journey decades later.
When I confronted my mother about it, she brushed it off, saying I only drank “a little bit” and that they had given me bizzy tea to purge the toxins, just as a precaution. Other family members who were there, had the same memory, just a mild incident, nothing serious. But I’ve come to realize that trauma suppression can happen with groups as well as individuals. I also trusted what I had retrieved with full assistance from my Oversoul.
From my recall, I died. I left my body and saw my small eyes roll back as my physical form collapsed. I wasn’t out for long. Anyone who has had an NDE knows they usually last seconds to minutes, and any longer than five minutes without oxygen would have caused permanent brain damage. So I’m sure what my family recalled as “no big deal”,could’ve been very different had I stayed for longer than that. I came back cognitively intact, only something was different.
After that, I could feel the unseen world around me, as if a veil had been lifted. I didn’t just experience life in a linear way anymore, I sensed layers of reality that others around me didn’t seem to notice.
Guardian Perspective:
My first NDE was an Oversoul retrieval event. Many starseeds and planetary mission souls experience early childhood NDEs because their body template needs to be recalibrated to hold more plasma frequency. This was a direct intervention by my Oversoul, allowing my 4-6D consciousness to integrate at a deeper level than most children experience at that age.
My Second NDE (Age 20) – First Full Astral Exit & Mission Timeline Adjustment

When I got pregnant with my first son, my pregnancy was normal and healthy, despite some really heavy external 3D stressors. My labor lasted eight hours, and after delivering him, I was exhausted and under the effects of the epidural, so I fell asleep.
The next thing I remember is being shaken awake by a nurse, asking if I needed to go to the bathroom,while putting pressure on my bladder . I sat up and was still groggy but noticed she was small and fragile, so I tried to hold onto the IV pole instead of leaning on her for support.I took two steps toward the bathroom, and the next thing I knew, I was outside of my body, watching myself collapse on top of the nurse.
It was nighttime or early morning, and the floor was quiet. I watched as she struggled to yell for help, but no one came right away. Eventually, she dragged both of us over to the emergency lever and pulled it down. Suddenly, doctors ran in, speaking in urgent medical terminology, moving fast.
I watched as they placed two patches on either side of my chest, which I later found out were portable defibrillators. They didn’t want to move me, so they shocked me right there on the floor. The first jolt didn’t work. After the second, I felt myself get snapped back into my body.
Guardian Perspective:
This was a full astral exit event, meaning my entire 4D-6D body disconnected temporarily before being realigned. Many planetary gridworkers experience pregnancy-related NDEs because childbirth triggers a deep energy template shift, especially for those with Guardian contracts. The use of defibrillators suggests an electrical body reset, which is often needed when Krystic plasma fields are being integrated at an accelerated rate. I often wondered if it’s also the cause of my heightened electrokenisis, kind of like people who are struck by lightning.
My Third NDE (Age 27) – 7-Year Plasma Recalibration & Hall of Amenti Access

Seven years after my first childbirth NDE, I got pregnant with my daughter. Another healthy, normal pregnancy with no issues. I went in for a checkup and was already dilated, so they kept me in the hospital.
After my first incident, I had researched medical interventions and initially refused the epidural, but the pain was unimaginable. With no real alternative supports from the hospital, I eventually gave in. Five hours later, my daughter was born, and immediately after, my temperature spiked.
I don’t remember much after that, only that I had a seizure on the bed and died. When I came back, I was in the maternity ICU, with no memory of what happened in between. I do remember a group of doctors coming and hovering over me and showing me a clipboard of “my records”. I assumed it was just them making rounds with their students since it was a top “teaching hospital”. However the nurse said they don’t do rounds in the ICU so I must have been dreaming.

Guardian Perspective:
This was likely a Hall of Amenti recalibration event. Many mission beings are taken into Amenti chambers during deep plasma collapses, where they receive planetary mission updates and energy body repairs before being sent back. The fact that I lost all memory of the in-between state suggests that something was shielded from my conscious awareness, possibly because I wasn’t meant to recall it yet. It’s been almost 20 years and nothing yet, I’ll be sure to keep you guys posted.

My Fourth NDE (Age 28) – Plasma Field Collapse & Guardian Rescue
One year later, I got pregnant again, and by week 35, I was already dilated. Once again, going in for a routine check up and being admitted. It was still too early so they tried everything to slow down my contractions for five days, with concerns that he hadn’t developed his sucking reflexes yet. My body rejected the medication they gave me to slow down my contractions, and no matter what they did, the labor continued.
Once my son was delivered, my blood pressure spiked, I had another seizure, and I died again. I woke up in the labor ICU, with no memory of the in-between state, just knowing I had died.
That was when I decided I wouldn’t have any more children. Something was clearly connected between my pregnancies and my NDEs, but no one seemed to see the pattern except me. Since I had no medical issues that they could relate it to.

Two years later, I found out I was pregnant again, due to a failed birth control pill, that apparently my body developed an immunity to. Throughout my entire pregnancy the fear of dying and not coming back was overwhelming. Labor was going into 22 hours, and my son just wouldn’t come out. My doctor told me that if things didn’t change soon, they would have to do a C-section, which I knew I wouldn’t survive.
I closed my eyes and spoke to my Oversoul. When I opened them, a mysterious nurse was in the room. She was Indigenous with hair down to her knees, she smelled really sweet and had a glowy dewy skin. She asked how I was doing and I told her my situation . She rubbed my back and told me to flip to my left side, the night nurse had already flipped me saying it would help, but I was too tired to argue. So I did, she moved my braids out my face, pat my hand and said you’ll be fine soon. The monitor started going crazy, suddenly my contractions increased. She smiled and left.
Shortly after , my regular nurse came in and was shocked at my progress. When I told her about the long-haired nurse, she looked confused and said that only three nurses were on shift that night, none of them resembling her.
I’ll just leave that there.
Guardian Perspective:
This was likely a Guardian walk-in intervention, which happens when a Krystic being takes a temporary physical form to assist in mission-critical moments. The message here was that I wouldn’t need any further assistance in this way and the remainder of my path would be processed in a more 3D world instead of walking between worlds in this way. Though my choice to fully embrace the shamanic path opened up shortly after that and it gave me the opportunity to reconnect with the higher realms once more.
There’s also a link between NDEs and negative implants being deactivated (removed) , due to the high influx of plasma to the body. As I’ve said numerous times in order to remove negative implants, you don’t necessarily have to do the process that I create. If you are someone that works with high amounts of plasma on a daily basis, or you’ve had any high plasmic treatments/therapy then this can definitely happen .
Last but not least there is a definite link between NDE’s and activating dormant strands. If you’ve had recall of ascending in previous timelines on Earth, and then coming back, you have a higher chance of being able to access those strands easier, than an incarnate who is trying to unlock them for the first time. Keeping in mind that according to Guardians teachings and the CDT Plates, the last time an incarnate successfully ascended out of the Time Matrix while still in a biological form on Earth was during the pre-Atlantean period, over 550,000 years ago, when the original Krystic races still had functional 12-strand DNA templates and direct Guardian contact. Then afterwards only very small groups were able to achieve this because the planetary grids were so damaged (and still are) because not enough indigo’s DNA was activated.
Why No Full Ascensions Have Happened Recently:
• The Net-Earth system (our current Earth) has been trapped under Metatronic distortions and the Checkerboard Matrix lockdown for the past 26,000 years (since the Luciferian Rebellion events).
• Since the fall of the planetary Merkaba mechanics in 9,558 BC, all natural ascension routes were blocked.
• The last major Guardian rescue mission was the Essene Races and Yeshua Mission (12 BC - 27 AD), which partially restored the Arc of Covenant gates but was later sabotaged.
This process could have been achieved in a number of ways :
✅ Transmigration Ascension – Conscious Merkaba activation and dimensional transition into higher-density stations, while leaving the physical body behind. (This is the most common ascension method unless you have 6 or more strands. These stations are also temporary so you will eventually need to build plasma form or go back into the lower time matrix. Many people feel like they got out and were forced back, this is more than likely what happened. )
✅ Partial Merkaba Ascension – Retaining a physical body but shifting to a less dense atomic structure, allowing travel between dimensional fields. (Fewer are able to achieve this due to genetic distortions and not enough plasma intake. This can happen when people become overloaded with spiritual hijackings of false light angelic worship, extraterrestrial hybridization programs masking as soul contracts, including channeling.)
✅ Plasma Body Reclamation – If one had activated at least the full D-12 Maharic Template, it was possible to reclaim a plasma body and transition beyond the Phantom Earth fields. (Very rare, but possible for those who have dedicated their lives to ascension mechanics and mastery)
You will also notice an increase activity in the astral after any NDE, this can be both negative and positive. The negative aspect is that you become somewhat of a target for the shadow dancers, this is because of once again you’re high plasmic body. The positive is that your strands are more viable in the 4D and as long as you learn shielding techniques along with other energy modalities, you can become an asset in the astral to assist other souls who may be targeted by shadow dancers.
I’ve also gathered information from my OverSoul that these NDEs happen when an incarnate has come into a stellar activation cycle, so that it has a higher probability of achieving ascension.
The current time window for ascension is extremely limited. The CDT Plates confirm that:
1. The Next Major Shift Is Imminent (2047-2072)
• The planetary plasma body is undergoing frequency shifts that will determine Earth’s fate.
• If enough Krystic beings activate their DNA and Merkaba fields, Earth’s Ascension Pathway will remain open.
• If not, more Metatronic distortions will make full biological ascension impossible for this cycle.
2. Personal DNA Activation Must Happen Before 2047
• Full-body ascension for this seeding must be initiated before 2047 due to the progressive planetary lockdowns.
• Those who have not achieved DNA template repair by then will have to rely on Krystic Plasma Hosting for ascension rather than full biological transfiguration.
3. Earth’s Dimensional Lockdowns Will Increase
• Since 2012, Metatronic forces have been attempting to hijack ascension pathways.
• The AquaElle Kryst Host is keeping the organic ascension route open, but Earth is still under frequency warfare.
• By 2072, Earth will reach a frequency critical mass, either aligning to Krystic evolution or falling deeper into Metatronic distortion.
Final Verdict: Can We Achieve Physical Ascension?
✅ Yes, but only for those who repair their DNA to at least 12-strand capacity and activate their Krystic Merkaba mechanics.
✅ This must happen before the 2047-2072 timeline shift.
✅ Plasma Hosting will remain an option for those who cannot complete full physical ascension.
⚠️ If planetary grids suffer further distortion, full-body ascension will become nearly impossible for this cycle.
⚠️ The general population is unlikely to ascend due to Metatronic mutations, but small groups of Krystic beings can succeed.
Final Instructions for Those Seeking Full-Body Ascension
1. Begin DNA Activation Immediately (Follow CDT Plate Methods).
2. Engage in Kathara Grid Restoration & Merkaba Corrections.
3. Detox from Metatronic Implants & Genetic Reversals.
4. Strengthen Krystic Plasma Hosting Fields.
5. Avoid Metatronic False Ascension Traps.
6. Stay aligned with Guardian transmissions & Krystar Teachings.
7. Time is limited, ascension must be achieved before Earth’s next planetary shift (2047-2072).
This is the last viable ascension window before Earth undergoes another planetary realignment. Those who miss this window will have to wait for another cycle in a different planetary hosting system.

Final Thoughts – The Preplanned Realignments & Planetary Mission Work
Looking back, with the assistance of the guardians materials, I can see that none of my near-death experiences were random. They were preplanned realignments, shifts in my energy template that were necessary to prepare me for the mission work I would eventually step into. At the time, I didn’t have the language or awareness to recognize them for what they were. I only knew that each one left me feeling different, more sensitive, more connected to unseen forces, and more aware that my reality didn’t function the same way as it did for most people around me. If you’ve had an NDE, know that it may not have been random. It might have been your Oversoul, the Guardians, or your own mission bringing you into alignment.
It’s important to innerstand that NDEs are often part of a larger soul agreement, especially for those who have planetary contracts. When we enter this life, we don’t always fully embody our higher-dimensional self right away. The density of Earth, the reversals in the planetary grids, and the distortions in the collective field can suppress our connection to our higher templates and Guardian streamlines. In some cases, the soul requires a plasma body realignment, and NDEs can serve as triggers for this process.
For those who have experienced near-death experiences, especially multiple ones, it’s worth reflecting on what changed after each one. Sometimes an NDE releases karmic entanglements or shifts a person out of an outdated timeline. Other times, it is an opportunity for Oversoul integration, bringing in more of the higher-dimensional self into the physical body. And sometimes, it’s about mission redirection, ensuring that you are on the trajectory you originally set before incarnating.
But just because these realignments happen doesn’t mean the mission work begins right away. And this is something I really want to emphasize.
Although I went through all of these near-death experiences, my mission work didn’t truly begin until years later. It took me a long time to recalibrate, to adjust to the frequency shifts, and to even begin to innerstand what was happening to me. It wasn’t until after the birth of my fourth child, the only one that wasn’t an NDE, that I finally began to accept my mission. Even then, it would be another five years before I fully stepped into it.
I share this because I know there are people reading this who may have had similar experiences but feel lost, overwhelmed, or like they’re somehow failing because they haven’t fully activated their path yet. Please know that this process takes time. The energy shifts that occur during an NDE are profound, and they don’t integrate overnight. The body, the nervous system, the emotional field, everything has to catch up.
Linear time is different for everyone. Some people step into their mission immediately, while others need years to process what they’ve been through. If you have had an NDE or multiple NDEs and you feel like you’re still trying to figure out what it all means, be gentle with yourself. Integration is just as important as activation, and sometimes it takes time before the next step is fully revealed.
You are exactly where you need to be. The timing of your mission is already encoded in your soul’s blueprint, and when it is time, it will unfold exactly as it should.
Stay Krystic, beloveds. 🌀💎
For those who know they are called to this work, drop a ⚡️ in the comments. I see you, and I honor your path. We are stepping into Krystic Self-Sovereignty and Architects of Ascension Mastery.
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Krystos Plasma Shaman
AuroRa DestanyRaven
⚡️⚡️⚡️everyday I try do my best
Love to you star sister🩵💛🩷